What does your teen want to be when they grow up? Do you struggle with being parent, teacher, AND guidance counselor? Sometimes getting some outside help makes all the difference. Listen in as Amanda Chamberlain and I talk about helping your child find what really gets them excited about their future!
Information and Links from the episode
Meet Amanda Chamberlain of Pathways Consulting!
Amanda graduated from college with honors, got her diploma and had absolutely no idea what she was going to do next. After a few years of poverty, she wised up and went back to grad school to get her master’s degree in career counseling. She’s spent most of her career teaching and guiding students in high school and college settings. Her focus is helping students AND their families map out a plan for career success. Amanda’s passion is helping students make intentional choices that will lead them to successful and fulfilling careers.
Find free resources for helping your teen explore career pathways on Amanda’s website: https://www.pathwaystoexplore.com/resources
Check out the Pathways to Explore Classes Amanda offers online!
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